Mack on CBO Report: Nelson-Obama Policies Have Put Us On the Brink

Press Release

Date: Aug. 22, 2012
Location: Miami, FL

Responding to the dire predictions of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office today, Congressman Connie Mack made the following statement:

"The case for liberal Senator Nelson to be fired could not be more clear. For forty years there has rarely been a government program or tax increase that Senator Nelson hasn't liked, including the largest takeover of our economy by government in the form of ObamaCare, which was naively predicted to reduce the deficit.

"America has suffered through three years of sustained unemployment over 8% and today's prediction of it jumping above 9% will only continue if the liberal spending policies of Bill Nelson and Barack Obama aren't stopped. While unemployment has steadily ticked up, Bill Nelson has tried to force more spending for a high speed rail program which no one wants, supported stimulus spending like cash for clunkers, cast the deciding vote for ObamaCare, and just two weeks ago voted for a tax increase on small business job creators.

"Simply put, this is the wrong path to restore American prosperity. Free enterprise must be allowed to flourish; and the European-style government enterprise of Bill Nelson and Barack Obama must end. "
Bill Nelson's Failed Policies Include:

In 2010, Nelson Voted For President Obama's Position 98% Of The Time. (CQ,, Accessed 2/18/11)

In 2009, Nelson Voted For President Obama's Position 97% Of The Time. (CQ,, Accessed 2/18/11)

Nelson Voted For The "Stimulus" Bill. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #64: Adopted 60-38; R 3-38; D 55-0; I 2-0, 2/13/09, Nelson Voted Yea)

Nelson Predicted The Stimulus Jobs Would "Create Or Save' 206,000 Jobs. "He said the package is expected to restore 206,000 of the 255,000 jobs lost in Florida so far in the economic crisis, within one-and-a-half years." (Deborah Buckhalter, "Sen. Nelson Speaks To Stimulus, "Jackson County Floridian, 2/19/09)

Nelson Voted To Pass The Senate Version Of The $2.5 Trillion Obama-Reid Health Care Bill or ObamaCare. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #396: Passed 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0, 12/24/09, Nelson Voted Yea)

Nelson Even Said The Health Care Law Would Reduce The Deficit. Nelson: "It will prevent insurers from dropping the sick and stop them from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. It also will reduce the deficit. And it includes one of my amendments to protect 800,000 seniors in Medicare HMOs all over Florida." (Sen. Bill Nelson, "Sen. Bill Nelson's Statement On The Health-Care Vote," Press Release, 12/24/09)
